


The results of this poll are used to compile the 100 Best Employers for Asian Americans as an aid to Asian American jobseekers.
We're only rating companies with at least 500 employees.
Your responses will be used only for statistical analyses.
Your anonymity will be strictly protected.

What is your current relationship with the employer you're rating?
I work there now. I worked there until months ago.
(We will include your rating only if you left less than 12 months ago.)

If you're a former employee, under what circumstances did your employment end?
I left for another job.
I retired.
I was pressured to quit.
I was fired.

What is the name of the employer you are rating?

At what division, unit, location or plant are (were) you employed?

How long did you work for this employer?

What is the most recent position you held there?

On a scale from 0 (worst) to 10 (best), how competitive is the compensation you received there, including salaries, overtime, bonuses and options?

On a scale from 0 to 10, how good are the benefits, including healthcare, job security, vacation policy, childcare, allowances and flex-hours?

On a scale from 0 to 10, how good were the opportunities for advancement, including availability of desirable positions, professional growth opportunities, training and education, business vitality and openness to lateral moves?

On a scale from 0 to 10, how would you rate the working conditions, considering factors like furnishings, decor, automation, lighting, ventilation, noise levels, safety, refreshments, professional culture and freedom from racial and sexual harassment?
On a scale from 0 to 10, how would you rate its treatment of Asian employees, considering factors like fairness, equality, toleration of cultural differences and encouraging cultural diversity?

Are you personally acquainted with any instance of racial or ethnic discrimination by this employer? If so, please describe such instances:

Are you personally acquainted with any instance of sexual abuse or harassment or gender discrimination by this employer? If so, please describe such instances:

What are the biggest advantages of working for this employer?

What are the biggest drawbacks of working for this employer?

Overall, how would you rate this employer on a scale from 0 to 10?

Would you nominate this employer for one of the following distinctions?
100 Best Employers 100 Worst Employers.

May we email you with additional questions about this employer? If so, what is your email address?
(Thank you. We will email you only if absolutely necessary.)

Other Comments:


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